Kilimanjaro Climb-Marangu Route - 8 days

Tanzania - Trekking Tours

Tour Itinerary
The Marangu route and this has led potential climbers to think that it is an easy route to the summit. The fact that it requires a minimum of 6 days to complete it does not mean that it is easier than any other route. The only reason that people say it is easier is because it is the only route up Kilimanjaro where you sleep in huts as opposed to tents.

An optional acclimatization day at Horombo Huts is highly recommended for those with no prior trekking in altitude experience under their belt. Advance booking of hut accommodation is required to avoid any inconveniences. The route starts from the park headquarters in the village of Marangu and heads straight westwards towards Kibo. The trail goes through lush rainforest, heath and moorland to alpine desert and ultimately the arctic zone at the peak and same route down.


DAY-1 | Arrival at Kilimanjaro Airport {JRO}
Upon arrival at Kilimanjaro Airport you will be met by a member of the Expect in Africa Safari team who will transfer you by road to your hotel.

Lunch Or Dinner | Room Type: Comfort-Lodge

DAY-2 | Marangu Gate to Mandara Hut
8: am transfer to Marangu Gate for registration and start our journey to the forest, covered with mist and dripping with beards of moss, is also where most of Kilimanjaro's animals are found. We will spend our first night at Mandara Hut, a group of wooden A-framed huts set in a forest clearing.

Elevation: From 1980 metres to 2700 metres
Trekking distance: 7 kilometres
Trek time: Around 3 hours
Breakfast | Lunch & Dinner | Mandara Hut

DAY-3| Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut
From Mandara Hut the trail passes through a short stretch of forest, skirting the base of the Maundi Crater, emerging into the transition zone from rain forest to moorland. After about 6 hours we arrive at Horombo Hut.

Elevation: From 2700 metres to 3720 metres
Trekking distance: 12 kilometres
Trek time: 5-6 hours
Breakfast | Lunch & Dinner | Horombo Hut

DAY-4 | Acclimatization Day at Horombo Hut
This extra day and night at Horombo is ideal for good acclimatization. A hike towards Mawenzi, passing the Zebra Rocks on the way (about 3 hours up and 1.5 hours down) is strongly recommended as it will further assist with acclimatization.

Elevation: 3720m
Environment: Alpine desert
Breakfast | Lunch & Dinner | Horombo Hut

DAY-5 | From Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut
We continue our ascent into the Alpine desert zone, passing the last place where water is available at 4130m. From Kibo Hut, the summit is now a further 1195m of ascent. We will make our summit ascent tonight so we will go to go to bed early to get as much rest as possible.

Elevation: From 3720 metres to 4700 metres
Trekking distance: 9.5 kilometres
Trek time: 5-6 hours
Breakfast | Lunch & Dinner | Kibo Hut

DAY-6 | Kibo Hut to summit at Uhuru Peak, descent to Horombo Hut
We will wake up around 23:30 hours, the first section of the trail consists of a rocky path to the Hans Meyer point (5250m), also a good resting spot. The path then zigzags up to Gilman's Point (5681m), which is located on the crater rim requiring a great physical and mental effort.

Elevation: From 4700 metres to 3720 metres
Trekking distance: 22 kilometres (6 kilometres ascent / 16 kil descent)
Trek time: 11-13 hours (6-7 hours ascent / 5-6 hours descent)
Breakfast | Lunch & Dinner | Mountain Tent

DAY-7 | Descent from Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate
Our final day on the trek, departing after breakfast we descend a further 1740m to Marangu Gate to pick up your summit certificates from the Park Headquarters. Transfer to your hotel for a well-earned shower and celebration.

Elevation: From 3720 metres to 1980 metres
Trekking distance: 18 kilometres
Trek time: 5-6 hours
Breakfast | Lunch & Dinner | Room Type: Comfort-Lodge

DAY-8 | Drive back to Airport
Depart the lodge in the Mid-Morning or flight time and make your way to Kilimanjaro International Airport, for your onward travel.


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Tour type:
Trekking Tours
All Park fees Rescue fees Airport transfers All meals while on the Mountain Guides, Porters, cook salaries & park fees Clean, purified drinking water Fair and ethical treatment of porters
Visa Gratuities Meals not listed above Accommodation before trek Mountain crew/Guides, Porter & Cook Optional Tours (short safari after your climb etc) Personal expenses (e.g. laundry, beverages, etc.)


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