Tour Itinerary
From Kathmandu, we will drive to Khadichour which will take around 3 hours. After the professional guides brief you about safety and paddling instructions, we will get ready to start our river journey. We will hit continuous rapids of class 3. After rafting for around 16 kilometers, we will reach a river bank and set up our camps there or go drive back to Kathmandu as per your interest.
We will start the final day of our rafting expedition driving up to Jambu, which is our second put in point. It’s going to be a challenging day as we will hit a lot of rapids of class 3 and class 4+ like Barking Dog, Midnight Special and the Great Wall which aren’t run-able. After an hour of rafting, we will again hit so major rapids like Liquid Bliss, Fake Right Go Left and Golden Gate and reach our take-out point, i.e. the Sukute beach. We will have a nice and warm lunch at the beach and head back to Kathmandu which will take around 3.5 hours.