Upper Mustang Trek - 16 Days

Nepal - Trekking Tours

Tour Itinerary
Nestled in the rain shadow of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges, Upper Mustang stands as a testament to ancient Tibetan culture and breathtaking Himalayan landscapes. Often referred to as the "Last Forbidden Kingdom," this remote region of Nepal has only been accessible to outsiders since 1992, preserving its unique traditions and pristine environment. The Upper Mustang Trek offers intrepid adventurers a rare opportunity to immerse themselves in this mystical land, discovering its hidden monasteries, ancient caves, and dramatic desert-like terrain.

Short Itinerary of Upper Mustang Trek

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu
Arrive in Kathmandu, transfer to hotel.
Briefing and preparation for the trek.
Overnight in Kathmandu.

Day 2: Kathmandu to Pokhara
Early morning flight to Pokhara.
Explore Pokhara city.
Overnight in Pokhara.

Day 3: Pokhara to Jomsom to Kagbeni
Fly to Jomsom, a gateway to Upper Mustang.
Trek to Kagbeni (2,858m), a picturesque village.
Visit Kag Chode Thupten Samphel Ling Monastery.
Overnight in Kagbeni.

Day 4: Kagbeni to Chele
Trek from Kagbeni to Chele (3,050m).
Pass through Tangbe village and Chhusang village.
Enjoy views of Nilgiri and Tiri peaks.
Overnight in Chele.

Day 5: Chele to Syanbochen
Trek from Chele to Syanbochen (3,475m).
Cross Taklam La Pass (3,624m).
Descend to Samar village and continue to Syanbochen.
Overnight in Syanbochen.

Day 6: Syanbochen to Ghami
Trek from Syanbochen to Ghami (3,520m).
Pass through Yamda La Pass (3,850m).
Visit Ghami La monastery.
Overnight in Ghami.

Day 7: Ghami to Charang
Trek from Ghami to Charang (3,620m).
Visit the red Ghar Gompa monastery.
Explore the ancient village of Charang.
Overnight in Charang.

Day 8: Charang to Lo Manthang
Trek from Charang to Lo Manthang (3,840m).
Reach the capital of Upper Mustang.
Explore monasteries, palaces, and local markets.
Overnight in Lo Manthang.

Day 9: Explore Lo Manthang
Explore Lo Manthang and its surroundings.
Visit Namgyal Gompa and Tingkhar village.
Experience local culture and lifestyle.
Overnight in Lo Manthang.

Day 10: Lo Manthang to Drakmar
Trek from Lo Manthang to Drakmar (3,810m).
Pass through Lo La Pass (3,950m).
Descend to Drakmar village.
Overnight in Drakmar.

Day 11: Drakmar to Ghiling
Trek from Drakmar to Ghiling (3,806m).
Visit Chungsi Cave monastery.
Overnight in Ghiling.

Day 12: Ghiling to Chhusang
Trek from Ghiling to Chhusang (2,980m).
Retrace steps through Kagbeni village.
Overnight in Chhusang.
Day 13: Chhusang to Jomsom

Trek from Chhusang to Jomsom (2,720m).
Conclude the trek in Jomsom.
Overnight in Jomsom.
Day 14: Jomsom to Pokhara
Fly from Jomsom to Pokhara.
Relax and explore Pokhara.
Overnight in Pokhara.

Day 15: Pokhara to Kathmandu
Drive or fly back to Kathmandu.
Free time for shopping or leisure.
Farewell dinner in Kathmandu.

Day 16: Departure from Kathmandu
Transfer to airport for departure.

Cost: 2099.00 per person
Cost based on minimum 02 person

Embarking on the Upper Mustang Trek with Himalayan Asia Treks and Expedition Pvt Ltd promises an unforgettable journey through a land steeped in history and natural beauty. From the medieval capital of Lo Manthang to the rugged terrain of the Mustang region, every step reveals the resilience and spirituality of the people who call this extraordinary place home. Whether you're drawn by the ancient monasteries, the breathtaking vistas of the Himalayas, or the chance to experience a culture untouched by time, Upper Mustang invites you to explore its hidden treasures and make memories that will last a lifetime.

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Tour type:
Trekking Tours
Accommodation on BB in Kathmandu , All meals in trek, lodge in trek , English speaking guide, porter in trek, permit for trek, Flight from Kathmandu-Pokhara-Jomsom-Pokhara-Kathmandu
Intl flight, insurance, meal in Kathmandu and Pokhara, Tips for staff


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