Manaslu Tsum Valley Trekking - 19 days

Nepal - Trekking Tours

Tour Itinerary
Discover the secret Tibetan Buddhist land lying at the edge of one of the most secluded Himalayan valleys. Tsum Valley is one of world's remotest Himalayan Valleys which was also a restricted region until recently. The trek to Tsum Valley takes you into the majestic surroundings of the Ganesh Himal, Sringi Himal, and Boudha Himal ranges. The region once being part of Tibet looks completely different from what you will find elsewhere. The people of Tsum Valley or the Tsumbas belong to Tibetan origin with their own ancient form of dialect, art, culture and religion. Very few adventure travelers have made it to this high and mysterious valley, which used to be an important trade link with Tibet. In the initial days, we trek the route of Around Manaslu Trek or the Manaslu Circuit Trek. The Tsum Valley lies on the northern part of Manaslu and used to be a restricted area until 2008. The region is still less exposed in comparison to other touristy areas, with relatively virgin and less beaten paths in comparison to the more popular regions. The Tsum people have their own way of family life, which may be quite surprising for many outsiders. All the brothers in the family are married to a single girl, what you may call a practice of polyandry.

Day 01: Join Kathmandu (1360m),

one of our representative will meet you at the airport and escort you to your hotel.

Day 02: Get permits, preparation or sightseeing in Kathmandu
Today; it is rest day, or preparation. We get permits and arrange rest of things for our trek to Annapurna Circuit, you have choice for a guided tour to some of the most chronological and spiritual attractions in Kathmandu which are also listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. We visit the historic Durbar Square, the sacred Hindu temple of Pashupatinath, the famous ´Monkey Temple´ (Swayambhunath) and Buddhist shrine (Bouddhanath), which is also one of the largest stupas in the world. At noon, we get our equipment checked by our climbing leader, get introduced to fellow participants. If you would like to; we can remove day 02 in Kathmandu but we recommend you to spend your second day considering acclimatization, Kathmandu is 1350m from sea level. Overnight in Kathmandu. Overnight stay in Kathmandu. Meals included: Breakfast.

Day 03: Drive to Arughat (600m) from Kathmandu; 7-8 hours drive.
A 7-8 hour´s drive from Kathmandu into the western mountains takes us to Arughat via Dhadingbesi, headquarter of the Dhading district. Through the dirt road from Dhadingbesi viewing the greenery hills we reach Arughat, our trek start point. Arughat is a major town in the region and is divided in two parts with the Budhi Gandaki river flowing between them. Overnight at Arughat. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 04: Trek to Soti Khola (710m), 4 hrs walk.
We cross the bridge over Budhi Gandaki and begin our trek from the western part of Arughat., we follow the stone-paved street north through the bazaar. We pass through the hydro- electric power plant, fields of rice and millet to Mangaltar, and through forests we arrive at Shanti Bazar. The trail to Budhi Gandaki valley now becomes steeper and the trek more difficult as we cross the Arkhet Khola on a suspension bridge, passing the shops of Arkhet Bazar. Descend to a high, cascading waterfall making a long steep slog up a ridge to Kuerepani. Then from here the trail descends to Soti Khola. Overnight stay at the campsite at Soti Khola. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 05: Tre to Machha Khola (887m); 6 hrs walk.
Cross the bridge and trek through the beautiful Sal forests, then climb onto a ridge above huge rapids on the Budhi Gandaki. The rocky trail then weaves its way up and down, past two tropical waterfalls on a steep, rocky trail clinging to the side of a cliff. It eventually makes its way down and past a few rice terraces, then up and around to the Gurung village of Labubesi. Climb behind a rocky outcrop, where the valley opens and the Budhi Gandaki meanders among wide gravel bars. Drop to the sandy river bed and walk along rounded stones before climbing over a side ridge. Head down again to the river and traverse to Machha Khola village. Overnight at Machha Khola. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 06: Trek to Jagat (1345m) 6-7 hrs walk.
The narrow trail makes some minor ups and downs and eventually crosses the Tharo Khola, flowing in a rocky ravine, then reaches Khorlabesi. After a few more ups & downs there is a small trailside hotspring, from where we reach to Tatopani. From the Hot spring we climb over another ridge, then cross the Budhi Gandaki on a suspension bridge. Climb on a wide, well-crafted staircase, then across a landslide and over a ridge to Dobhan. Crossing a suspension bridge over the Dobhan Khola, the trail climbs on a rugged trail to Duman. Ascending up again to the Budhi Gandaki, we reach at Yaru Khola. Crossing a suspension bridge over the Yaru Khola we climb the stone stairs and then drop to the river and again climb more stone stairs to Tharo Bharyang. Cross to the west bank of the budhi gandaki, climb over a ridge, and trek along the river then climb towards the village of Jagat. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 07: Trek to Lakpa (2240m), 6 hrs walk.
After completing with the ACAP procedure, we climb over a rocky ridge to Salleri, and then descend to Sirdibas. The valley widens a bit as the trail continues up to Ghatta Khola. Continue upstream to a long simple hanging bridge. Climb up to Philim, a large gurung village. Philim valley is well known for Japanese made school and police station. Walk past Philim to the north across a forest with the views of the narrowing valley and walk up north from Gum Pul we reach Lokpa. Overnight at Lokpa. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 08: Trek Chumling (2386m) (Lower Tsum); 4-5 hrs walk.
From Lokpa the trail descend half an hour towards Lungwa khola and climbing jick jack difficult trail further two hours north through pines and rhododendrons we reach Gumlung. Crossing the Siyar Khola, finally arrive at Chumling, lower Tsum, from where we can view Shringi Himal. Visit the old Chumling gompa, and the stone streets of the village. Stay overnight in Lokpa. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 09: Trek to Chhokangparo (3031m), 4-5 hrs walk.
Cross the suspension bridge onto the opposite bank. Enjoy the great views of Ganesh Himal. Walk past Rainjam to Serpu Khola crossing another bridge we arrive at the Gho Village. Another continues 2 hours climb to Tsum takes us to the village of Chhokangparo. Weather permitting; enjoy the views of Himalchuli at 7893 meters and Ganesh Himal at7140m. Overnight at Chokhangparo. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 10: Trek to Nile (3347m) via Milarepa Cave, 5-6 hrs walk.
We trek through the villages of Ngakyu. Leru, Lama Gaun today. We will visit a cave and pay homage. It is believed that saint Milarepa had meditated here in the cave; (admission fee to visit the cave was NPR 300/U$3) the cave is also known as Piren Phu meaning “Pigeon cave. We continue passing Burji, Phurbe and Pangdun villages, there is magnificent big Buddhist Stups is sighted on the way to Chhule and Nile. Stay overnight in Nile. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 11: Excursion Mu Gompa (3700 m) and Dhephyudonma Gompa (4060m) 5-6 hrs. walk.
We are now almost close to the Tibetan border. Walk to the west bank of the valley through the Tibetan landscapes. Climb up to the Mu Gompa. We also visit the monastery. Then after, we make a visit to the Dhephu Doma Gompa. Today we make a sightseeing of the whole Mu Gompa Region. Mu Gompa is the largest monastery in the region. The Gompa lies at the highest and most remote part of the Tsum Valley. After exploring the Mu Gompa area. Stay overnight in Nile. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 12: Trek to Chhekamparo (3031m), 4-5 hrs walk.
Today it is a easy walk to Chhekamparo from Nile. We trek passing through Lar Village visit the Rachen Gompa, which is also well known as Nunnery Gompa too, cross over a suspension bridge and trek to Chhekamparo via same trail back. Stay overnight in Chhekamparo, Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 13: Trek to Gumpa Lungdang (3200m), 6 hrs walk.
The trail drops down from Chhekamparo to Gho and then cross Dumje Bridge. We can visit a Amchi, a Tibetan Traditional clinic and there. There is a nun; teaches some 10-21 young nun and runs small Amchi. She welcomes the visitor by Tibetan tea, we walk up about 2-3 hours that takes us to Gumba Lungdang, there basic shelter and meals is provided by monastery. Wilderness Excursion will provide tent and extra meal our clients visitng Gumba Lungdang. Meals included: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner.

Day 14: Ganesh Himal Base Hike.

Day 15: Trek to Lokpa, 6-7 hrs. walk.
We trek to Lokpa today via Ripchet village, walk down to Dunje from Gumba Lungdang and walk through the pine forest and reaching Ripchet and trail goes down steeply and retrace the same way back to Lokpa. Stay overnight in Lokla. Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 15: Trek to Jagat, 6-7 hrs walk.
Today, after breakfast at Lokpa, we walk down to Jagat. The trail goes down to Ghumpul through the pine and rhododendron forest and join to the main Manaslu trail again, We continue walk passin through Eklai Bhatti, Philim, crossing Buddhi Gandaki before reaching Sirdibas and finally to Jagat. Stay overnight in Jagat. Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Meals in

Day 16: Trek to Lapubesi 6-7 hrs walk.
From Jagat, the trail goes down to Bagar after walking some 15 minutes then cross the suspension bridge and walk through cantilever bridge that was built after the Nepal earthquake that hit country so badly and cause famous Manaslu trekking trail damage. Contune the jouney via Dovan, Tatopani (hot spring), Khorlabesi and finally I stay overnight in Lapubesi. Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 17: Trek to Arughat, approximately 6-7 hrs walk.
Today, it is last day of our trekking in Tsum Valley. We walk to Arughat from Lapu Besi. Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 18: Drive to Kathmandu from Arughat, 7-8 hrs drive.
We drive to Kathmandu by local bus. There is no tourist bus available at Arughat. Wilderness Excursion can arrange 4WD private jeep that is more comfortable and safer drive if you would not like local bus that is overloaded sometimes, playing non-stop music. .A farewell dinner is organized by Wilderness Excursion in one of the authentic Nepalese restaurant. Overnight in Kathmandu. Meals included: Dinner

Day 19: Departure from Kathmandu .
We will drop you at international airport to Fly back to further destination. Meals included: Breakfast.

Himalayan Sanctuary Adventure Private Limited

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Tour type:
Trekking Tours
pick and drop , hotels in Kathmanu with breakfast . guide and one porter for two trekkers. breakfast, lunch and dinner during the trek. All ground transportation, Tea house accommodation during the trek. all necessary permits ,
beverage item , laundry service and toiletries. Hot shower, hot water, internet, phone calls . Personal travel insurance, Nepal visa, international air ticket laundry services.


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